Angel Allwood and Andrea Opavsk
Angel Allwood was born in Los Angeles in the United States on 22 November 1979. Angel Allwood, as of 2023 will be aged 43. Learn more regarding Angel Allwood. Andrea Opavska became one of most influential figures of modern dance within the last 10 years. Opavska was a part of Lenka Vagnerova & Company. The performance she gave in Gossip was nominated for an Thalia and her La Loba performance won her one of Edinburgh Fringe Festival's prestigious prizes. The long time of an active career also result in a gradual transformation into the next path.I realized that the gap between me and the younger dancers was becoming bigger and bigger. Opavska performs in an ensemble, says that she began to question whether the gap could be absorbed by the audience. In addition the dancer recently was undergoing a complete replacement of the hip joint that had an effect on the temporary termination of active performing on stage. Foundation for a Dance Career covers the topic of a Second Career....